Special Offers

Oral Sedation
$280 Value

Will need driver. During regular business hours. After hours and weekends are extra. Uninsured patients only. Not valid with any other offers.* Expires 11-30-2024

Implant or Denture Consultation
$280 Value

Uninsured patients only. Not valid with any other offers.* Expires 11-30-2024

Mini Implant Special
$950 Value

To support a lower denture. Uninsured patients only. Not valid with any other offers.* Expires 11-30-2024

New Patient Cleaning Special
$500 Value

Includes Exam, X-rays, Cleaning in the absence of gum disease, and VELscope Oral Cancer Screening. Uninsured patients only. Not valid with any other offers.* Expires 11-30-2024

Single Visit Crown

Uninsured patients only. Not valid with any other offers.* Expires 11-30-2024

$1350 Value
2 for 1

Buy upper denture, receive lower denture at no charge. Uninsured patients only. Not valid with any other offers.* Expires 11-30-2024

*The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination, or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination, or treatment.

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